Valley Curbside Recycling

Providing Single-Stream Curbside Recycling
to the Roanoke Valley

WEEKLY curbside pickup
Roll your recycling bin out to the curb each week and we will take care of the rest
No sorting required! We kindly ask that you BREAK DOWN ALL CARDBOARD
One 32 Gallon recycling bin is provided with service
Currently servicing Roanoke City/County* and Salem* (*select areas, email or call to inquire about coverage area)
Arrange a collection day that works with your schedule
How it works:
$30* per month for residential (1 recycling bin)
Additional $15* per month per bin
$50* per month for small business (2 recycling bins)
Additional $15* per month per bin
*Prices subject to change without notice depending on recycling market conditions
Pricing Options
What to Recycle
Mail, Magazines, Newspaper (No shredded paper)
Flattened Cardboard (No oil/food stains)
Cereal, Pasta, & Tissue Boxes
Aluminum & Metal Cans
Plastic Tubs & Containers
Plastic Jugs & Bottles (#1 and #2 only)
Glass (No broken glass)
What NOT to Recycle:
NO Food Waste
NO Styrofoam
NO Plastic Bags or Packing Material
NO Cords, Hoses or Wires
Please be sure to secure recycling bin lid before placing by curb for collection